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Climate change adaptation cash for poor countries fails to materialise

"Wealthy countries have not only failed to provide cash to help poor people adapt to climate change, but much of what they have agreed to give so far has come out of existing aid budgets or in the form of loans that will need to...

Category: Climate Change


Canada, the surprise 'pariah' of the Kyoto protocol

"Some Canadians doubt whether their country should have any say in negotiating the second Kyoto protocol after it became the only nation to reject the first one"

Category: Climate Change


Emissions cuts too slow to fight climate change, warns UN report

"Concentration of carbon dioxide in atmosphere is up 20% since 2000, says report released days before climate talks in Doha"

Category: Climate Change


Outcome of UN climate talks 'lies in hands of rich nations'

"Talks on a new climate change treaty in Qatar next week will not advance unless rich countries promise more ambitious cuts to greenhouse gas emissions, four major developing nations said."

Category: Climate Change


Influential investors call for action on 'serious climate danger'

"A coalition of global investors said extreme weather was increasing investment risks and could disrupt economies"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 116 to 120 out of 2977